Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Too Late - Yuuka a.k.a Tikachan

It's Too Late - Yuuka a.k.a Tikachan
Review by Ishwarya

Title – 4/5
You’ve chosen a very apt title for your storyline. However, it is always safe to avoid negativity in your title. With the title, “It’s Too Late” I get a negative impression of your story, which should be avoided.

Appearance - 5/5
A beautiful poster and a pleasant background. Well Done!

Forewords - 5/10
I’m sorry, but your foreword was not well written. I expect a little more of a description and an even more interesting start to your story. As you haven’t completed it yet, take your time to write the forewords. Finish your story, and then edit your forewords.

Storyline - 9/15
I was confused on how to score you in this criterion, as you haven’t completed it yet. But I’ll certainly ask you to work harder because, up until now, your story is like any other love to hate stories I’ve read. All the Best Yuuka!

Story Flow - 8/15
The flow was a bit too slow. This is because you wanted to include every tag bit of detail. Please avoid this. However, if you take my advice and increase your flow in the following chapters, then your story would flow smoothly. So, here’s my suggestion- edit a few parts of your story till now, so that the following chapters won't seem too fast.

Character Development - 10/15
You developed your characters efficiently.
You stuck to your character descriptions, which impressed me.
I could picturise your characters well. That’s an amazing capability.

Descriptions - 7/10
Your descriptions were simple and easy to understand. I assume English is not your first language, so at times, the descriptions did sound pretty weird. But it’s alright. I appreciate your effort to write in English.

Spelling and Grammar - 3/5
I didn’t spot any terrible spelling errors, other than typos. However for your grammar and vocabulary, I’d suggest you to solve a lot of workbooks. Many a times, ornamenting your sentences with complex words, impresses your readers a lot. It gives out a good impression, you know,

Captivating - 6/10
Even though your story is your original creation, but I couldn’t seem to ignore the monotonicity. Do try to include more interesting sequences to make it more captivating.

Ending – N/A
You will be assessed out of 95, as you haven’t ended your story yet.

Bonus Points - 5/5
Thank you for requesting at Eternal Happiness! And I apologize for the delay.



Review done by Ishwarya from Eternal Happiness

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